

What to do with an abusive manager?

It can be annoying to feel unappreciated at work by your boss if you are a typical employee who goes the extra mile. Often, an incapable employer or manager will feel threatened by skilled subordinates. The last thing you need is a power struggle in the office. After all, your aim is to perform as well as you can and to establish yourself as a reliable employee for your boss. If you feel like your manager is on a power

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How to spend your 13th month pay wisely?

Sure, you can buy yourself something nice. Remind yourself that you are working hard!  However, if you think long-term, you will find ways to invest your money wisely for the future. Investing money wisely may be considered a difficult task to achieve, but with good knowledge and patience, everyone can learn all about investing money wisely. It is not important whether your 13th month pay is high or low; everyone should focus on at least small investments as soon as they

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Productive Things To Do On Your Day Off

Productive Things To Do On Your Day Off Aren’t sure what to do on a day off? Consider checking one or more of these productive activities off your to-do list. Any of them can help you feel more organized and in control of your finances… and perhaps even your life! What are you waiting for? Just keep on reading gals and guys!  1. Planning a vacation. Instead of going out and spending money, stay home and try to plan an

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Gift Ideas For Your Office Frenemy

Looking for some evil gift ideas for someone you secretly hate in the office? Well, these are the people responsible for your pretentious smiles and hugs when you secretly wished in your head to just diss them with those savage comebacks that would surely roast them to their core.  What does frenemy mean? Frenemies are the people you have hit a lot in your imagination, but in reality, you prefer to ignore their actions instead. Basically, frenemies are the ones

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9 Signs Your Female Colleague Has A Crush On You

How would you know if your female colleague has a crush on you? Here are the 9 signs she has feelings for you!  There are times that you do not even realize that one of your colleagues has a crush on you. But, day by day, that feeling comes to you. You feel that your coworker is hiding something – her feelings, rather – that you never expected. In this article, we will discuss some signs your female coworker has

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Losing Your Motivation at Work?

Motivation works cyclically. There are times when you feel like you can conquer the world, punctuated by moments when you feel like it makes no sense to do anything. If you have been feeling unmotivated at work recently, you are not alone. When it comes to motivation, not just agents but also other workers experience the same “boost and bust” phases. But one of the clear indications of a successful agent is the ability to conquer those feelings. In this

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Reasons Why You Should Choose a Dayshift Job

In the Philippines, the majority of BPO firms use graveyard shifts. Leaving no room for a daytime/dayshift job. In a short period of time, the Philippines’ growth increased dramatically as it emerged as one of the most competitive countries in the BPO industry. As this business expanded, it opened a lot of opportunities for the unemployed. Despite its strengths, every business has its flaws. For the BPO industry, it is its “night shifts.” Call centers usually operate at night to

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7 Common Resume Mistakes

Have you ever experienced applying for multiple jobs like crazy and still not getting any interviews? and you will start to think about what the problem is. You might have to review the one and only resume you’ve been using for all of your job applications, which can also be a factor in not getting you hired. Guilty and surprised? Don’t worry. Now that you are reading this article, you will have a better idea of how to write and

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The Definitive Guide to Pizza Flavors

Hey there! Did your team hit all its target metrics? Or is your boss having another extra fun Birthday Party? Then that means your team is definitely having another pizza party! But wait, there are so many pizza flavors to choose from. Some pizza flavors are definitely better than others and some are almost borderline gross. If you are having trouble picking out pizza flavors that everyone in the office will enjoy then you do not have to worry. We

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Common Job Interview Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

In a job interview, the applicant has the chance to express their interest in the position and the hiring manager has the chance to evaluate the applicant’s qualifications, abilities, and fit. Most interviews consist of a conversation with particular questions about the position as well as the firm and its offerings, but others also call for testing or a skills demonstration. For the best-interviewing experience possible, adequate preparation in advance and an appropriate demeanor during the interview are important. Previous

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