

What it’s like Working For a Telco Account | Call Center 101

They say working in telco account gives you headaches, believing that it gets toxic over time when in reality, that’s not really the case as jobs always have a dark side that needs to be dealt with and we are responsible for that assuming we have consciously chosen the particular career path. Most often than not, it just depends on how you perceive and handle the job rather than what makes you think the job is or largely depending on

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What It’s Like Working For A Tech Support Account | Call Center 101

Today we’re gonna talk about what it’s like working for a Tech Support Account. What makes a tech account special? Why would we call people who work in the account a Super Saiyan? They say when you are in tech department, you have a good reputation, you standout, you are just different from the rest who aren’t as sophisticated as you. A tech account would be for level up agents. They are really a Super Saiyan aren’t they? Now we’re

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What it’s like Working For An Order Taking Account – Call Center 101

Can I have this one please! Technology is now changing how we live, thanks to its continues growth, ordering food has never been so convenient, regardless of where we are at, the food we want is just a few clicks away. Apps like Grabfood and foodpanda made it more easy than ever.  Job Responsibilities Order Taking Account is exactly the same as how inbound sales works where you receive orders either through call or chat from customers. Some accounts do

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7 Easy Steps on How to Get Hired as a Call Center Agent

About 1.3 million Filipinos are working as call center agents right now. Many aspire to work in the BPO industry because of the high salary and the equal opportunity it brings. Even if you don’t have a college diploma or have only finished high school, there are many call centers out there that would open their doors for you. But how do you get a job in a call center? 1. Communication Skills The most important thing you need to

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