

5 Survival Tips for a Call Center Newbie

Had the courage to finally join the call center industry? You just received your bachelor’s degree, and it appears that working in a call center would be the most lucrative option. The call center industry is typically one of the few that employs a large number of fresh graduates. That is reality. Are you one of the lucky individuals that have decided to pursue the BPO and are currently in the process of training? Well, these tips are for you. 

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How to handle your fears as a first-time employee in a BPO Company?

According to human psychology, people have a tendency to experience fear in new situations. Therefore, it makes sense that the majority of employees experience anxiety while starting a new job. Humans fear change because it puts us in situations wherein, we can’t anticipate the outcome. A predictable outcome is preferred by our minds over an uncertain one. The brain prefers a predictable conclusion to one that is uncertain, even if it is negative. The fear of change is powerful. If

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Things to bring to your Call Center Job Interview

Applying for a Call Center job can be difficult if you are not well prepared. The quote “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” by Benjamin Franklin best describes how preparation can make or break your call center job application. These are the _ things that you should definitely bring to your BPO job interview. 1.  Multiple Copies of your Resume or CV. This one is pretty obvious. Whenever you are applying for any job your potential employer

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Your colleague has Bad Breath! What do you do?

Well to tell you the truth you really should not do anything about it. It is their body and it is their choice but if it starts to affect you and your colleagues at work then maybe you should consider doing something about it. Also, if you are a close friend to your colleague and you believe that doing so will help them improve their social well-being in the workplace then you should definitely do it. There are a number

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Can you get terminated from your personal social media post?

The internet has provided us with various great opportunities. We can share our ideas, memories, and other important information, such as news and other discoveries, with people all over the world. However, social media also has a number of negative effects that influence both our personal and professional lives. Is it possible that a social media post will lead to your dismissal? It depends on what you post, according to Attorney Jeniffer Spencer. While free speech is still protected, there

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Keeping your mental health stable

How to keep your mental health stable while working in customer service? Customer service stress is clearly linked to the customer service industry’s high rate of employee turnover. Given the significant time and financial investment that goes into recruiting and training a competent customer service representative, no company can afford to disregard the risks of a stressed workforce. But as an individual, you are somehow responsible for maintaining your mental health. Here are some ways to help you keep your

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Burnout in a BPO company

Tips and tricks to handle burnout in a BPO company Maintaining productivity, motivation, and positivity in a BPO industry, it requires managing the stress that comes with living a work-life balance. If you manage your stress effectively, it’ll increase your capacity to prevent burnout, which can affect both your health and your capacity to carry out your job obligations. It’s critical to learn how to manage burnout in a call center environment if you want to maintain your physical and

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What it’s like working for a Hotel Reservations account | Call center 101

You won’t believe what it’s like working in a hotel reservations account! If the HR assigned you in a hotel reservations account, then you would thank her later as you’ve got what you really wanted. Handling this account is as enjoyable as you might expect it to be and you’re going to know why later on. Agents here and there say that you’re really lucky when you get to hold the account. Job Responsibilities Perhaps you think that since this

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How To Get Promoted at Work Quickly?

Getting promoted is a big deal when it comes to working in the call center or BPO industry. It means a better pay, a more stable career and a better future. But how do you get promoted? In order to get promoted, you need to work hard, be the best agent in your team or on the floor and build the right connections. You also have to stand out from the crowd and be someone people can’t forget.  Promotions can ensure you

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What It’s Like Working For A Collections Account | Call center 101

Working in Collections Account makes you feel like you have earned a good reputation, that it’s not just an easy job you have gotten into, like knowing that it is not just for everyone to dabble with, like people would say that whoever works here must be really smart. In a nutshell, what commonly happens between the agent and the customer is like this ‘’A collector calls you, you get annoyed or kind of uncomfortable about the idea of paying the

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