The internet has provided us with various great opportunities. We can share our ideas, memories, and other important information, such as news and other discoveries, with people all over the world. However, social media also has a number of negative effects that influence both our personal and professional lives.
Is it possible that a social media post will lead to your dismissal?

It depends on what you post, according to Attorney Jeniffer Spencer. While free speech is still protected, there are some posts that will result in your termination if you are an employee. It is not uncommon for people or celebrities to be canceled or embarrassed as a result of social media posts. We understand that there are consequences for sharing posts with racist and sexist overtones, hateful opinions, and illegal behavior. It’s also a risk if you include your employer’s name on your social media profiles. A single careless post can have dire implications for your job.
This type of policy is used in nations like America, where you can be dismissed over a social media post. Employees may be let go of their social media posts in a variety of circumstances. A confidentiality agreement can be broken by posting company secrets or client lists online, which could result in the employee’s termination. The posting of images that negatively portray the employee may also be cause for termination. An employer may decide to end the relationship with an employee rather than take the chance of damaging the reputation of the firm if they consider that an employee is portraying the organization in a negative light by posting absurd, inebriated, or otherwise improper images or content.
False or misleading posts – Your employment may be terminated if posts falsely link to your business. Post proper information if you don’t want to be the reason for delays at your business.
Leaking confidential information – You should not share confidential information with others if you have access to it, such as other employees’ addresses or pay rates. Most companies have this kind of policy. So leaking confidential information, especially about your clients, may lead to your termination.
Bad feedback on your clients or customers – Your employer will most likely not tolerate this offense because it will harm your company’s reputation.
Posts displaying illegal activity – Posting images, comments, or videos of illegal activity will almost certainly result in your termination.
Posts that have racial overtones – The most well-known example is the case of Justine Sacco. While on vacation, Sacco issued a thoughtless Tweet that read, “Going to Africa. I hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” Her employer deemed the remark objectionable enough to cause her termination.