Keeping your mental health stable

How to keep your mental health stable while working in customer service?

How to keep your mental health stable while working in customer service?

Customer service stress is clearly linked to the customer service industry’s high rate of employee turnover. Given the significant time and financial investment that goes into recruiting and training a competent customer service representative, no company can afford to disregard the risks of a stressed workforce.

But as an individual, you are somehow responsible for maintaining your mental health. Here are some ways to help you keep your mental health in a good state while working in customer service.

1. Don’t beat yourself up about a customer’s complaint

When dealing with a difficult customer, it’s critical to learn to let negativity wash over you. No matter how bad a given interaction goes, you must maintain enough distance to, if possible, turn the conversation around. If the conversation cannot be salvaged, the distance will allow you to pick yourself up and move on without a cloud hanging over your head. Remind yourself that you are the only person who knows who you are.

2. Look for a support system in the workplace

If you’re having trouble with a task and the resulting stress is too much to bear, it’s critical to be able to ask for assistance. Feeling stressed can often make you feel powerless, making it even harder to seek help and increasing your stress levels. If you’re dealing with an irate customer, seek advice from your coworkers or manager, or ask someone else to step in if you feel you won’t be able to handle the situation properly.

Help can also refer to emotional assistance. Because you and your colleagues work in the same environment and have similar responsibilities, you are likely to experience similar triggers. It is good practice to vent. A strong support system can make stress factors appear less difficult.

3. Remember that everything is an accomplishment

You deserve praise when you do a good job, solve a difficult problem, or save a customer’s day. Give yourself credit! Being aware of your achievements will help you accept the moments that were less than perfect. It will also assist you in putting those negative experiences into perspective and allow you to move on with ease. Consider it a mission accomplished, whether you had a good or bad experience with a customer.

4. Get enough sleep

Inadequate sleep on a regular basis can have an impact on energy, mood, and motivation. Adults require 7-9 hours of good sleep each night. According to research, there is a strong link between insomnia and clinical depression. It is critical for mental health to give the body enough time to rest and reload during the night.

5. Consume a healthy diet

Eating healthy will not only lead to weight loss; it will help your brain as well. Eating healthy foods has numerous psychological benefits. When you eat healthy foods, you will have fewer mood swings, a more positive outlook, and improve your concentration skills.

6. Make time for physical activity

People who exercise on a regular basis tend to be in good physical and mental health. Exercise helps cognitive function and sleep quality and aids in the maintenance of a healthy weight. Exercise causes the release of chemicals that help enhance your mood, such as endorphins and serotonin. It can also help you reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation and connect you with other people. Regular exercise can help you feel physically and mentally prepared for work and irate phone calls.

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