Had the courage to finally join the call center industry? You just received your bachelor’s degree, and it appears that working in a call center would be the most lucrative option. The call center industry is typically one of the few that employs a large number of fresh graduates. That is reality.
Are you one of the lucky individuals that have decided to pursue the BPO and are currently in the process of training? Well, these tips are for you.
It takes time to practice becoming proficient in call center delivery. Very stressful environment and the criteria are very strict. Everything’s not lost. When you join a call center as a newbie, you will be taking part in a local or focused call center training program. This training introduces the new agents to the processes and procedures. Training is to train the newbies to provide quality call center support.
It might be a challenging one. Like any other BPO job, this one comes with its own set of challenges and obstacles. The objective of this article is to provide you with tips for call center newbies.
1. Connect with seasoned agents.
One of the tips for newbies is to immediately connect with tenured agents and try to understand the flow and the processes. It is the easiest way of getting better at what you do – learning from the experts. And that is the reality of call centers. Engage with senior-level agents and become their friends. The BPO industry is typical for helping others. Variety of agents will be working on various call center campaigns. So, you must know whom to connect with.
If you do become friends with tenured-level call center agents, there’s a high probability that they will train you well and help you out. Start your journey by becoming friends with senior-level resources. This is one of the top tips for call center newbies.
2. Listen to quality assurance teams.
Quality is a core component of any call center. The objective of the call center quality team is to listen to the calls and provide qualitative and quantitative inputs to the teams and individuals. This is the second tip for newbies – to become closely connected with the quality assurance teams. Tell the quality assurance executives to help you build your skills.
The quality scorecard provides a comprehensive understanding of where an agent is falling behind. You can be an agent who speaks very well but is very bad at listening. Or you can be an agent that doesn’t understand the technical products but is very good in the overall call dialogues. Know where your gaps and weaknesses are and try to improve them immediately.
This is a proactive approach. Don’t let the quality assurance teams work with you after the calls. Be their friends and allow them to help you build that level of engagement and understanding. One of the core skills is managing ranting customers. Learn how to handle an angry customer over the phone.
3. Check immediate access to the processes and procedures.
The BPO industry is all about processes and procedures. This is irrespective of the industry that you are in. Train yourself. Read the entire manual and get an understanding of the processes and procedures.
4. Self-learning.
The best part about 2018 and beyond is that you can easily find self-improvement videos. There are numerous free online tutorials for call center newbies to improve their skill sets. It is highly recommended that you start learning the traits from the experts online as well.
5. Have fun.
Life is too short. Whatever the job is, enjoy the experience. Nothing is worth being so stressful. Always enjoy the experience and build your career.